Technical Program
To read the abstracts and learn more about the talks, please CLICK HERE
To read the abstracts and learn more about the talks, please CLICK HERE
Start Time | End Time | |
June 24, 2024 | All Eastern Standard Time (EST) | |
Day 1 | ||
8:00 AM | 12:00 PM | Registration + Badge Pick Up |
8:30 AM | 8:45 AM | Welcome Remarks by Chairs: Corey Wilson, Georgia Institute of Technology and Neha Kamat, Northwestern University + Keynote Introduction |
8:45 AM | 9:45 AM | KEYNOTE: Biosensor-guided regulation of metabolic pathways, Kristala Prather, MIT |
9:45 AM | 10:15 AM | Morning Coffee Break |
10:15 AM | 11:45 AM | Session 1: Advanced Circuit Design, Session Chairs: Tae Seok Moon & Neha Kamat |
10:15 AM | 10:45 AM | Invited Speaker: New tools for inducible genetic control and in vivo targeted mutation, Johnny Blazeck, Georgia Institute of Technology |
10:45 AM | 11:15 AM | Invited Speaker: Refactoring S. aureus SaeRS to identify anti-virulence compounds, Jeffrey Tabor, Rice University |
11:15 AM | 11:30 AM | Selected Abstract: Synthetic Gene Expression Control Systems in Microorganisms, SangWoo Seo, Seoul National University |
11:30 AM | 11:45 AM | Selected Abstract: Biological Qubit Logic for Advanced Input Economy in Genetic Circuits, Prasaad Milner, Georgia Institute of Technology |
11:45 AM | 12:45 PM | Lunch |
12:45 PM | 2:25 PM | Session 2: Synthetic Biology Wetware Meets Hardware, Session Chairs: Joff Silberg & Neha Kamat |
12:45 PM | 1:15 PM | Invited Speaker: FIM Based Design of Single-Cell Experiments to Reject Measurement Noise and Rapidly Identify Predictive Gene Expression Models, Brian Munsky, Colorado State University |
1:15 PM | 1:45 PM | Invited Speaker: High-throughput, automated microfluidic electroporation system for bacterial gene delivery, Cullen Buie, MIT |
1:45 PM | 2:00 PM | Selected Abstract: Hybrid Transistors with Transcriptionally Controlled Computation and Plasticity, Benjamin Keitz, The University of Texas at Austin |
2:00 PM | 2:15 PM | Selected Abstract: Constructing the bioware and hardware of bioelectronic interfaces in microbial electrogenetics, Monica Chu, University of Maryland |
2:15 PM | 2:20 PM | Lightning Talk: Probing Gene Expression for Predictive Design of Transcriptional Programs, Yongjoon Yu, Georgia Institute of Technology |
2:20 PM | 2:25 PM | Lightning Talk: Chemical-Dependent Sulfite Reductase Switches for Programming Living Electronic Sensors, Elizabeth Windham, Rice University |
2:25 PM | 3:55 PM | Cocktail Reception and Poster Session 1 |
Start Time | End Time | |
June 25, 2024 | All Eastern Standard Time (EST) | |
Day 2 | ||
8:00 AM | 12:00 PM | Registration + Badge Pick Up |
8:30 AM | 8:45 AM | Welcome Remarks by Chairs Corey Wilson, Georgia Institute of Technology, Neha Kamat, Northwestern University and Evan Flach, Executive Director, AIChE + Keynote Introduction |
8:45 AM | 9:45 AM | KEYNOTE: Engineering Bacteria for Environmental Release, Christopher Voigt, MIT |
9:45 AM | 10:15 AM | Morning Coffee Break |
10:15 AM | 11:45 AM | Session 3: Synthetic Biology Beyond Canonical Chassis Cells, Session Chairs: James Chappell & Ishita Kumar |
10:15 AM | 10:45 AM | Invited Speaker:Targeted DNA Insertion in Plants by CRISPR-Associated Transposases, Gozde Demirer, California Institute of Technology |
10:45 AM | 11:15 AM | Invited Speaker: Synthetic biology tools development for non-model filamentous fungal organisms, Jordan Baumbach, Army Research Laboratory |
11:15 AM | 11:30 AM | Selected Abstract: Engineering of Acidithiobacillus Ferrooxidans for Enhanced Metal Biomining, Scott Banta, Columbia University |
11:30 AM | 11:45 AM | Selected Abstract: Large-Scale Genome Engineering and Reduction of the Fast-Growing Vibrio Natriegens, Tanya Tschirhart, Naval Research Laboratory |
11:45 AM | 12:45 PM | Lunch Workshop by Beckman Coulter |
12:45 PM | 2:25 PM | Session 4: Modeling and Quantitative Synthetic Biology, Session Chair: Brian Munsky & Chelsa Hu |
12:45 PM | 1:15 PM | Invited Speaker: Optogenetic Feedback Control of Gene Expression in Single Cells, Mary Dunlop, Boston University |
1:15 PM | 1:45 PM | Invited Speaker: Upscaling Engineering of Synthetic Biomachines via Synthetic Cells, Richard Murray, California Institute of Technology |
1:45 PM | 2:00 PM | Selected Abstract: A Simple Method for Controlling Consortia Proportions in Continuous Culture Using Auxotrophic Cross-Feeding, Nicolas Grandel, Rice University |
2:00 PM | 2:15 PM | Selected Abstract: Leveraging High-Throughput Automation and Machine Learning to Multiplex Optogenetic Signals for the Dynamic Control of Biological Networks, Zachary Harmer, University of Wisconsin-Madison |
2:15 PM | 2:20 PM | Lightning Talk: A Programmable RNA Antimicrobial Platform for Strain-Selective Killing Using Native mRNA, Kim Wai (Robin) Mo, Rice University |
2:20 PM | 2:25 PM | Lightning Talk: Light-Driven Synchronization of Optogenetic Clocks, Maria Cristina Cannarsa, Sapienza Universita' di Roma |
2:25 PM | 3:55 PM | Afternoon Coffee Break + Poster Session 2 |
Start Time | End Time | ... |