SEED16 Poster Information | AIChE

SEED16 Poster Information

Poster Awards:  ...

Poster Awards: 

We will be awarding a few poster awards to students who are presenting posters at SEED 2016. Poster awards are sponsored by:

  • Oxford University Press: Synthetic Biology
  • Wiley: Biotechnology and Bioengineering
  • EMBO Press: Molecular Systems Biology
  • Wiley: Biotechnology Journal

Rapid Fire Session Info:

Before each poster session, there will be a “rapid fire” session where select presenters will get 90 seconds to give an overview of their posters. The rapid fire presenters are listed below.

Rapid Fire Session A (Tuesday, July 19, 5:30-6:00PM)

Poster # Poster Title Last Name First Name Association
9 Minimum Flow Cytometry Calibration Information (MinFlowCal) Beal Jacob Raytheon BBN Technologies
11 Development of a Multiplexed Cadmium Biosensor for the Detection of Heavy Metals in the Environment Bereza-Malcolm Lara La Trobe University
19 Creating Libraries of Orthogonal RNA Toehold Repressors Carlson Paul D. Cornell University
25 Effects of Ribosome Autocatalysis and Negative Feedback in Resource Competition Chandra Fiona MIT
39 Engineering Bacterial Two Component Sensors to Study Gut Inflammation Daeffler Kristina Rice University
45 Novel Lactate Biosensor for Use in Low Oxygen Conditions Dekker Linda Imperial College London
47 A Cas9-Based Toolkit to Program Gene Expression in Saccharomyces Cerevisiae d'Espaux Leo Lawrence Berkeley National Lab
53 Pooled Assembly, Genotyping and Scoring of Diverse Genomic Libraries Egbert Robert University of California Berkeley
63 Bioengineering Magnetic Nanoparticles in Magnetotactic Bacteria Furubayashi Maiko Massachusetts Institute of Technology
67 Secretion and Self-Assembly of Protein-Protein Conjugates from Bacillus Subtilis Gilbert Charlie Imperial College London
71 A Hacked 3D Printer Towards the Printing of Materials through Biological Organisms González Lina M. Massachusetts Institute of Technology
93 Engineered, Evolved, and Re-Engineered Yeast for Producing Cellulosic Biofuels Jin Yong-Su University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign
95 A Cell-Free Framework for Rapid Biosynthetic Pathway Prototyping and Enzyme Discovery Karim Ashty Northwestern University
97 A Novel Class of Programmable Hormone-Responsive Transcription Factors to Re-Engineer Plant-Environment Interactions Khakhar Arjun University of Washington
123 One-Step in Vitro Large Gene Cluster Cloning By Crispr-Cas9 with Gibson Assembly Lou Chunbo Chinese Academy of Science
135 Precise Control of Lycopene Production for Use in a Fast-Responding Biosensor McNerney Monica Georgia Institute of Technology
171 Rewiring Cellular Input-Output to Engineer Cell-Based Therapies Thatinterface Robustly with Human Physiology Schwarz Kelly A. Northwestern University
189 Programming the Timing of Gene Expression in Synthetic Circuits Tei Mika UC Berkeley
139 Quality and Quantity: Protein Production and Folding Using a Bacterial Protein Secretion System Metcalf Kevin James UC Berkeley


Rapid Fire Session B (Wednesday, July 20, 5:30-6:00PM)

Poster # Poster Title Last Name First Name  Association 
2 Development and Implementation of an Automated Data Analysis Workflow for High Throughput Part Characterisation Data Ainsworth Catherine M. Imperial College London
4 The Role of Single Occupancy Effects on Integrase Dynamics in a Cell-Free System Artavanis Georgios California Institute of Technology
42 Cell-Free Synthesis and Assembly of Protein Nano-Machines on a Chip Daube Shirley S. Weizmann Institute of Science
56 Reusable Barcode Library for Combinatorial Design Assembly by Retrieval Eluere Raissa Broad Institute
64 A Droplet Microfluidic Platform for Automating Genetic Engineering Gach Philip Sandia National Laboratories
74 Massively-Parallel Laboratory Evolution of Bacteriophage T7 Reveals Differential Evolutionary Utility of Expanded Genetic Codes Hammerling Michael J. University of Texas at Austin
80 The Joint Genome Institute’s Synthetic Biology Internal Review Process Hillson Nathan J Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory
100 RNA Information Processors for Complex In Vivo Logic Computation Kim Jongmin Harvard University
108 Open Vectoreditor: Freely Open-Source Javascript Web Application for DNA Visualization, Annotation, and Editing LaFrance Sarah JBEI
110 Design, Synthesis and Testing Towards a 57-Codon Genome Landon Matthieu M. Harvard Medical School
160 Spatial Ratiometric Analysis for Intrinsic Plant Promoter Activity Pollak Bernardo University of Cambridge
162 Designer Biosensors That Respond to New Small Molecules Raman Vatsan University of Wisconsin-Madison
166 Engineering Efficient Specialist Strains for a Synthetic Multi-Species Microbial Consortium Saleski Tatyana University of Michigan
168 Using bacteria to make improved, nacre-inspired materials Schmieden Dominik T. Delft University of Technology
208 RNA- Programmed DNA Methylation Xiong Tina Johns Hopkins University
212 DNA Origami Sensor That Controls Gene Expression Zadegan Reza M. Boise State University
214 Metabolic Design Principles for Engineering Synthetic Microbial Communities Zerfass Christian University of Warwick
224 Seeing the Invisible: Exploting Crosstalk to Measure Genetic Constructs In Vivo Hecht Ariel National Institute of Standards and Technology

General Poster Info:

There will be two poster sessions at SEED16. We ask that poster dimensions be, at most, 3.5’x3.5.’

Poster Session A will be Tuesday, July 19 from 6:00-7:30 pm.  Presenters in Poster Session A can set up their posters as early as Monday afternoon and should take them down immediately after the session.

Poster Session B will be Wednesday, July 20 from 6:00-7:30 pm.  Presenters in Poster Session B should set up their posters Wednesday morning and can leave them up until the end of the conference.

The presentation line-up is shown below.  Odd-numbered posters will be presented in Session A (Tuesday, July 19), even-numbered posters will be presented in Session B (Wednesday, July 20).  Note: the list is arranged mostly alphabetically by last name, but there are a few exceptions.

Please contact if:
• You see your name on the list but are no longer able to present your poster,
• You do not see your name on the list but wish to present a poster,
• You have any other questions.

Poster # Poster Name Last Name First Name Association
1 Tunable Thermal Bioswitches for Noninvasive Genetic Regulation Abedi Mohamad Caltech
2 Development and Implementation of an Automated Data Analysis Workflow for High Throughput Part Characterisation Data Ainsworth Catherine M. Imperial College London
3 Telling Tales to Recode Zebrafish Genome: Chemical Reprogramming of Zebrafish for High-Efficiency Genome Editing Aksoy Yagiz Alp Macquarie University
4 The Role of Single Occupancy Effects on Integrase Dynamics in a Cell-Free System Artavanis Georgios California Institute of Technology
5 Tuning the Electron Transfer Activity of a 2Fe2S Ferredoxin Using Homologous Recombination and an Escherichia coli Selection Atkinson Joshua T. Rice University
6 Improvements to Nitrogen Production in a Model Bacterium for Biofertilizer Application Barney Brett M. University of Minnesota
7 Directing Inward Electron Transport to the Cytosol in Mtr-Escherichia coli Using Fumarate Reductase Baruch Moshe Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory
8 Accelerating Genome Engineering in E. coli: From Single Step Pathway Integration to Trackable Genomic Diversity Bassalo Marcelo University of Colorado Boulder
9 Minimum Flow Cytometry Calibration Information (MinFlowCal) Beal Jacob Raytheon BBN Technologies
10 Reproducibility of Fluorescent Expression from Engineered Biological Constructs in E. coli  Beal Jacob Raytheon BBN Technologies
11 Development of a Multiplexed Cadmium Biosensor for the Detection of Heavy Metals in the Environment Bereza-Malcolm Lara La Trobe University
12 Interactions Between Non Homologous End Joining Repair and Type II Crispr-Cas Systems Bernheim Aude Institut Pasteur
13 Orthogonal Gene Expression: Creating 3 Promoter Banks Linked to Different Sigma Factors Which Are Orthogonal Between Eachother and Towards the Host Bervoets Indra Free University of Brussels
14 Engineering DNA polymerase delta to make its activity Ca2+ dependent Bhan Namita Northwestern University
15 Rational Design of High-Number DNA Fragments for Gene Construction Birla Bhagyashree Iowa State University
16 Prediction of Host-Circuit Interactions Using Cell-Free Protein System Borkowski Olivier Imperial College London
17 Acoustic Reporter Genes for High-Resolution Ultrasound Imaging of Engineered Bacteria In Vivo Bourdeau Raymond W. California Institute of Technology
18 An Update on Synbis – the Synthetic Biology Information System Bultelle Matthieu A. Imperial College
19 Creating Libraries of Orthogonal RNA Toehold Repressors Carlson Paul D. Cornell University
20 Repurposing Ribosomes for Synthetic Biology: Ribo-T v2.0 Carlson Erik D. Northwestern University
21 DNA Component Order Independence Using Insulated Bacterial Promoters Carr Swati Boston University
22 Effects of Resource Sharing on Gene Expression Dynamics Caveney Patrick M. Oak Ridge National Laboratory
23 The Operon Calculator: Automated Design of Synthetic Operon Sequences Using 15 Models and Design Rules Cetnar Daniel Pennsylvania State University
24 "Passcode" Kill Switch: Modular Hybrid Transcription Factors for Programmable Biocontainment Chan Clement T. Y. MIT
25 Effects of Ribosome Autocatalysis and Negative Feedback in Resource Competition Chandra Fiona MIT
26 Engineering Small Transcription Activating RNAs (STARs) Chappell James Cornell University
27 An In Vivo mutation Prevention System Chavez Alejandro Harvard Medical School
28 Using Volatile Gas Production As an Output for Genetic Circuits to Report on Programmed Microbial Behaviors in a Soil Cheng Hsiao-Ying Rice University
29 Enhancing Tolerance to Potato Zebra Chip Disease Using a Transgenic Approach Chiong Kelvin Texas A&M AgriLife Research
30 Transhydrogenase Promotes the Robustness and Evolvability of Metabolic Networks Chou Hsin-Hung National Taiwan University
31 Whole Genome Regulator Mutant Library for Expedited Identification of Beneficial Mutations for Enhanced Tolerance Towards Environmental Stress Choudhury Alaksh University of Colorado, Boulder
32 Single-Chain Variable Fragment Antibodies Targeting Amyloid β Oligomers: Alzheimer’s Disease Toxins Cline Erika Northwestern University
33 Rewriting the Genome Novel Tools in Synthetic Biology Clore Adam Integrated DNA Technologies
34 Application of a Transient Viral Vector for Efficient Genome Editing in Plants Cody Will Texas A&M University
35 Integration of an Inducer-Producing Metabolic Pathway in an Artificial Cell Coutable Angelique University of Bristol
36 Engineering an Escherichia coli Strain to Characterize Heme Metabolism Couture Manon Université Laval
37 Consequences of Cas9 Cleavage in the Chromosome of Escherichia coli Cui Lun Institut Pasteur
38 Computational Colloids: Engineered Bacteria As Computational Agents in the Design and Manufacture of New Materials and Structures Dade-Robertson Martyn Newcastle University
39 Engineering Bacterial Two Component Sensors to Study Gut Inflammation Daeffler Kristina Rice University
40 Developing Sugarcane and Energy Cane As Highly Productive Biofactory Platforms Damaj Mona B. Texas A&M AgriLife Research
41 Characterizing the Role of 23S rRNA Peptidyltransferase Center Interactions in Translation Fidelity d'Aquino Anne Northwestern University
42 Cell-Free Synthesis and Assembly of Protein Nano-Machines on a Chip Daube Shirley S. Weizmann Institute of Science
43 Leveraging Chemical Insights in Computational Identification of Interesting Biosynthetic Gene Clusters de los Santos Emmanuel L.C. University of Warwick
44 TNT-Cloning: A New Platform for Flexible and Universal Usage of DNA Parts De Paoli Henrique Oak Ridge National Laboratory
45 Novel Lactate Biosensor for Use in Low Oxygen Conditions Dekker Linda Imperial College London
46 A Highly Productive One-Pot System for the Incorporation of Non-Standard Amino Acids into Cell-Free Synthesized Proteins Des Soye Benjamin J. Northwestern University
47 A Cas9-Based Toolkit to Program Gene Expression in Saccharomyces Cerevisiae d'Espaux Leo Lawrence Berkeley National Lab
48 Molecular Membrane Engineering for Nanoreactors Di Bartolo Natalie University of Bristol
49 Engineering Red Blood Cell-Based Biosensors for Physiological Monitoring Dolberg Taylor Northwestern University
50 Self-Selection Using Artificial Networks: An Adaptive Tool for Directed Evolution Dramé-Maigné Adèle LIMMS CNRS UMI 2820 University of Tokyo
51 Cell-Free Mixing of Escherichia coli Crude Extracts to Prototype Isoprenoid Biosynthesis Dudley Quentin Northwestern University
52 Biophysical Limits of Control Implementations in Synthetic Gene Networks Dy Aaron J. MIT
53 Pooled Assembly, Genotyping and Scoring of Diverse Genomic Libraries Egbert Robert University of California Berkeley
54 MYtxtl® an E. coli Based Cell-Free Transcription-Translation (TXTL) Kit for Bio-Manufacturing Eggenstein Evelyn Mycroarray
55 Synthetic Evolutionary Origin of a Proofreading Reverse Transcriptase Ellefson Jared University of Texas at Austin
56 withdrawn      
57 The Development, Implementation and Transfer of a Reproducible Methodology for the Generation of High Quality Data for Part Characterisation Exley Kealan Imperial College London
58 Morphogenetic Engineering of Bacterial Colonies Federici Fernan Pontificia Universidad Católica de Chile
59 Mathematical Modelling Determines Post-Segregational Killing Efficacy of Toxin-Antitoxin Systems in Commensal Escherichia coli Nissle 1917 Fedorec Alex J H University College London
60 A General Strategy to Construct Small Molecule Biosensors in Eukaryotes Feng Justin Harvard Medical School
61 Integrated Biocad Toolchain Enables Search for Experimentally Validated Components Forrer Mark Sandia National Lab
62 Intracellular Spectral Recompositioning of Light: A Novel Strategy for Improving Photosynthetic Efficiency of Diatoms Fu Weiqi New York University Abu Dhabi
63 Bioengineering Magnetic Nanoparticles in Magnetotactic Bacteria Furubayashi Maiko Massachusetts Institute of Technology
64 A Droplet Microfluidic Platform for Automating Genetic Engineering Gach Philip Sandia National Laboratories
65 Yeast ribosome display for high-throughput selection of cap-independent translation regulatory elements impacting both in vitro and in vivo protein expression Gan Rui Northwestern University
66 Continuous Evolution of Proteases Using a T7 Bacteriophage System Garry Daniel University of Texas at Austin
67 Secretion and Self-Assembly of Protein-Protein Conjugates from Bacillus Subtilis Gilbert Charlie Imperial College London
68 Engineering Synthetic Systems Inspired By Anaerobic Fungi Gilmore Sean P. University of California, Santa Barbara
69 Metabolic Engineering of Escherichia coli for Efficient Eukaryotic Glycan Biosynthesis Glasscock Cameron J. Cornell University
70 Synthetic Polyketide Enzymology: Platform for Biosynthesis of Antimicrobial Polyketides Go Maybelle Kho National University of Singapore
71 A Hacked 3D Printer Towards the Printing of Materials through Biological Organisms González Lina M. Massachusetts Institute of Technology
72 Piace: Parallel Integration and Chromosomal Expansion of Biofuels Pathways in E. coli Goyal Garima Joint Bioenergy Institute
73 An Engineered Open Cell Free Synthesis Platform for the Production of Non-natural Amino Acid Based Antibody-Drug Conjugates Groff Dan Sutro Biopharma, Inc
74 Massively-Parallel Laboratory Evolution of Bacteriophage T7 Reveals Differential Evolutionary Utility of Expanded Genetic Codes Hammerling Michael J. University of Texas at Austin
75 Road Rules for Traffic on DNA: Systematic Analysis of Gene Regulation By Encounters Hao Nan The University of Adelaide
76 Engineering E. coli for Dual Color Detection of 2,4,6-Trinitrotoluene Harbaugh Svetlana Air Force Research Laboratory
77 Cell-Free Platform for Natural Product Discovery Heinsch Stephen University of Minnesota
78 Deciphering the Regulation of Biomass Degradation By Anaerobic Fungi Henske John K. University of California, Santa Barbara
79 De novo design of a genetically encoded simple viral-like coat protein for artificial viruses Hernandez-Garcia Armando Northwestern University
80 The Joint Genome Institute’s Synthetic Biology Internal Review Process Hillson Nathan J Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory
81 Dynamic Responses of Laci/Galr Chimera-Based Transcriptional Logic Gates Hirning Andrew Rice University
82 Defining the Anti-Shine-Dalgarno Sequence Interaction and Quantifying Its Functional Role in Regulating Translation Efficiency Hockenberry Adam J Northwestern University
83 Protoplast Fusion with the Hydrogen-Oxidizing Bacterium, Cupriavidus Necator Holt Eric T University of Michigan
84 Bacteriocin Production and Screening Using Cell-Free Protein Synthesis Hong Seok Hoon Illinois Institute of Technology
85 Design and Application of Stationary Phase Combinatorial Promoters Hsiao Victoria California Institute of Technology
86 High-Throughput DNA Assembly Pipeline for Natural Product Discovery in Streptomycetes Hsu Szu-Yi University of Minnesota-Twin Cities
87 An RNA-Based Negative Autoregulation Circuit Hu Chelsea Cornell University
88 Consensus Parameter Inference and Optimal Circuit Design in Cascade Circuits Huynh Linh University of California, Davis
89 Guiding Receptor Directed Evolution Using a Physiochemical Specificity Model Stainbrook Sarah Northwestern University
90 C1 Biorefinery By Designer Enzyme Complexes As Protein Synthesis Machinery on the Cell Surface of Ralstonia Eutropha Hyeon Jeong Eun Korea University
91 In vitro glycosylation by cell-free protein synthesis-derived oligosaccharyltransferases Jasmine M. Hershewe Northwestern University
92 Easyclone-Markerfree: A Vector Toolkit for Marker-Less Integration of Genes into Saccharomyces Cerevisiae jessop Fabre Mathew DTU Biosustain
93 Engineered, Evolved, and Re-Engineered Yeast for Producing Cellulosic Biofuels Jin Yong-Su University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign
94 Novel luminescent reporters from marine environmental bacteria for prokaryotic and eukaryotic systems Kan Anton University of Cambridge
95 A Cell-Free Framework for Rapid Biosynthetic Pathway Prototyping and Enzyme Discovery Karim Ashty Northwestern University
96 Conversion of Glucose to 2,3-Butanediol in Escherichia coli Cell-Free Lysates: A Model System Kay Jennifer E. Northwestern University
97 A Novel Class of Programmable Hormone-Responsive Transcription Factors to Re-Engineer Plant-Environment Interactions Khakhar Arjun University of Washington
98 Developing an in Vitro Platform for the Production of Structurally Homogeneous Glycoproteins Using Cell-Free Protein Synthesis and Samdi Mass Spectrometry Kightlinger Weston K. Northwestern University
99 Delineating the Mechanisms of Quorum Sensing Cross-Talks By Coupling Activation and Repression Kim Suhyun Harvard University
100 RNA Information Processors for Complex In Vivo Logic Computation Kim Jongmin Harvard University
101 Non-Standard Amino Acid Incorporation Using a Ribosome with Tethered Subunits Kim Do Soon Northwestern University
102 Deep Sequencing-Based Protein Engineering to Optimize Functional Enzyme Expression in Synthetic Metabolic Pathways Klesmith Justin Michigan State University
103 Assembly of Membrane Encapsulated Nanoreactors Komar Joanna University of Bristol
104 Loading As a Design Parameter for Genetic Circuits Kumar Nithin Massachusetts Institute of Technology
105 Strategies to Enhance the Yield of Biocellulose in Gluconacetobacter Xylinus Kumar Prashant University of Wisconsin Madison
106 Long-term adaptive evolution of highly recoded E. coli strains Kunjapur Aditya M. Harvard Medical School
107 High-Throughput Evolution of in Vitro Orthogonal Translation Systems Via an Integrated Platform Merging Cell-Free Protein Synthesis and Microfluidics Kwon Yong-Chan Northwestern University
108 Open Vectoreditor: Freely Open-Source Javascript Web Application for DNA Visualization, Annotation, and Editing LaFrance Sarah JBEI
109 Orchestrating an Enzyme Ensemble Towards Novel Antibiotics Lai Hung-En (Terrence) Imperial College London
110 Design, Synthesis and Testing Towards a 57-Codon Genome Landon Matthieu M. Harvard Medical School
111 Evolutionarily Identified Biological Design Allowing Simultaneous Sugar Utilization in Yeast Lane Stephan University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign
112 Efflux Pump-Mediated Antibiotic Resistance in Dynamic Environments Langevin Ariel University of Vermont
113 Retargeting a Dual-Acting sRNA for Multiple mRNA Transcript Regulation Lease Richard A. The Ohio State University
114 Deciphering and Exploitation of the Adjacent Transcriptional Regulators for Synthetic Biology Lebar Tina National Institute of Chemistry
115 Utilizing the Labcyte Echo® Liquid Handler and Gateway® Gene Assembly in the Generation and Transfection of a PTEN-GFP Construct into a PTEN Null PC-3 Cell Line Lesnick John Labcyte
116 In Vitro Expression and Assembly of Nonribosomal Peptide Synthetase for Biosynthesizing D-Phe-L-Pro Diketopiperazine Li Jian Northwestern University
117 Functional Reconstitution of a Pyruvate Dehydrogenase in the Cytosol of Saccharomyces Cerevisiae through Lipoylation Machinery Engineering Lian Jiazhang University of Illinois at Urbana Champaign
118 High-Efficiency, Multi-Copy, Markerless Integration of Large Biochemical Pathways in Saccharomyces Cerevisiae Liang Youyun Agency for Science, Technology and Research
119 Expanding Biosensing Abilities through Computer-Aided Design of Metabolic Pathways Libis Vincent CNRS
120 Towards Mechanically-Activated Artificial Cell Liu Allen University of Michigan
121 Electricity-Generating Microbial Communities in Biotrickling Filter-Microbial Fuel Cells for Gaseous Ethyl Acetate Treatment Lin Chi-Wen National Yunlin University of Science and Technology
122 Incorporating Phenotype Data to Improve Parental Strain Flux Estimations Long Matthew University of Wisconsin-Madison
123 One-Step in Vitro Large Gene Cluster Cloning By Crispr-Cas9 with Gibson Assembly Lou Chunbo Chinese Academy of Science
124 Unravelling RNA Structure / Function Relationships Via Novel Next-Generation Sequencing Techniques Loughrey David Cornell University
125 Engineering Bacteria for Biofuel Production Macklyne Heather University of Sussex
126 Development of a Multi-Omics Approach to Study Differential Gene Regulation- a Potential Workflow for the Development and Validation of Synthetic Genetic Circuits Mandal Kamal National Institute of Immunology
127 Universal Expression Tools to Improve Nutrient Acquisition of Energy Crops Mansoori Nasim Joint BioEnergy Institute, Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory
128 Engineered Probiotics for Cholera Treatment and Diagnosis Mao Ning Boston University
129 Enhancing Orthogonal Behavior and Amber Suppression Activity for Heterologous tRNA and tRNA Synthetase Variants Maranhao Andre University of Texas at Austin
130 Genome Engineering of Genomically Recoded Escherichia coli enables Multi-Site Non-Standard Amino Acid Incorporation in Cell-Free Synthesized Proteins at High Yield and Purity Martin Rey W. Northwestern University
131 Synthetic Speciation: New Technology for Transgene Biocontainment and Pest Biocontrol Maselko Maciej University of Minnesota
132 Engineering Insulation Between Synthetic Bacterial Signaling Pathways McClune Conor MIT
133 Engineering RNA Aptamer-Based Gene Circuits for Control of Microbial Interactions McClure Ryan S. Pacific Northwest National Laboratory
134 Gene Co-Expression Highlights Coordination of Microbial Community Behavior McClure Ryan S. Pacific Northwest National Laboratory
135 Precise Control of Lycopene Production for Use in a Fast-Responding Biosensor McNerney Monica Georgia Institute of Technology
136 Engineering Novel Functionality into Red Blood Cells Meinders Marjolein University of Bristol
137 Watching the Ribosome Making Peptide Bonds Between Unnatural Amino Acids Melnikov Sergey Yale University
138 Syntrack: Streamline Complex DNA Assembly Processes Meng John DOE Joint Genome Institute, Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory
139 Quality and Quantity: Protein Production and Folding Using a Bacterial Protein Secretion System Metcalf Kevin James University of California, Berkeley
140 Characterizing RNA Thermometers through Shape-Seq Meyer Sarai I. Cornell University
141 Functional Coordination of Iron-Sulfur Clusters by Selenocysteine Miller Corwin Yale University
142 Evolving Strand-Displacing Polymerases with Isothermal CSR Milligan John N. University of Texas at Austin
143 Cell-Free Metabolic Engineering of Carotenoid Biosynthesis Mohr Benjamin University of Tennessee
144 The JBEI Experiment Data Depot Morrell William Sandia National Laboratory
145 Library and Model Derived Synthetic Terminators for Yeast Morse Nicholas University of Texas at Austin
146 A Genetically Encoded Reporter for Diffusion Weighted Magnetic Resonance Imaging Mukherjee Arnab California Institute of Technology
147 Optimized Genetic Tools and Overexpression Strategies in the Development of Efficient Production Systems in Photosynthetic Cyanobacteria Nagy Csaba István University of Turku
148 Design Space Exploration of the Violacein Pathway in Escherichia coli Based Cell-Free System Nguyen Phuc California State University, Long Beach
149 Development of a Growth Sensor Detecting Antigen - Antibody Interactions in the Cytoplasm of Mammalian Cells Nguyen Thuy Duong The University of Tokyo
150 Automated Design for Synthesis and Assembly Oberortner Ernst Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory
151 Maintaining Plasmid Stability in Commensal Escherichia coli Nissle 1917 without Antibiotic Selection through Orthogonal Toxin-Antitoxin Systems Ozdemir Tanel  University College London
152 Commercial Expression Levels of a Potent Recombinant Antiviral Therapeutic Protein in Sugarcane Padilla Carmen S. Texas A&M AgriLife Research
153 Discovering the Function of a Vibrio Fischeri Metabolic Gene Using a Newly Constructed Genome-Scale Model and Genomic Library Pan Shu University of Wisconsin-Madison
154 Definition and In Vivo Evaluation of Mathematical Models to Predict the Effects of Copy Number Variations and Cell Burden in Interconnected Synthetic Circuits Pasotti Lorenzo University of Pavia
155 Nanoparticle Delivery Biofactory Using E. coli as the Synthetic Host Pasula Rupali Nanyang Technological University
156 Teaching Transcription Factors to Read the Histone Code Nyer David Arizona State University
157 Improving Genomically Recoded Escherichia coli for the Production of Proteins Containing Non-Standard Amino Acids Perez Jessica Northwestern University
158 Sequence to Activity Mapping: Computational Approaches and Experimental Tools Pines Gur University of Colorado Boulder
159 ICE: A Distributed and Interconnected Biological Part Registry Plahar Hector Joint BioEnergy Institute, Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory
160 Spatial Ratiometric Analysis for Intrinsic Plant Promoter Activity Pollak Bernardo University of Cambridge
161 Heuristic Design and Engineering of Synthetic Yeast Promoters Rajkumar Arun S. Technical University of Denmark
162 Designer Biosensors That Respond to New Small Molecules Raman Vatsan University of Wisconsin-Madison
163 Universal Expression System for Eukaryotic Microorganisms Rantasalo Anssi VTT Technical Research Centre of Finland
164 Using Business Process Management to Enhance Synthetic Biology Workflows Reynolds Christopher Imperial College London
165 Towards the First Data Acquisition Standard in Synthetic Biology Sainz de Murieta Iñaki Imperial College
166 Engineering Efficient Specialist Strains for a Synthetic Multi-Species Microbial Consortium Saleski Tatyana University of Michigan
167 Expression Mutant Screening for Improved Benzylisoquinoline Production in Yeast  Savitskaya Judy UC Berkeley
168 Using bacteria to make improved, nacre-inspired materials Schmieden Dominik T. Delft University of Technology
169 Selective Nitrogen Delivery to Regulate and Optimize Synthetic Microbial Consortia for Biochemical Production Scholz Scott University of Michigan
170 High Resolution Expression Profiling of Bacterial Genomes Scholz Scott University of Michigan
171 Rewiring Cellular Input-Output to Engineer Cell-Based Therapies Thatinterface Robustly with Human Physiology Schwarz Kelly A. Northwestern University
172 Genome-scale regulatory landscape of Escherichia coli in response to various environmental stresses Seo Sang Woo Seoul National University
173 Production of a Modular Toolkit for Creating Prosthetic Gene Networks within Yeast Shaw William Imperial College London
174 A Scalable Peptide/GPCR Communication Language Shen Michael New York University School of Medicine
175 Characterization of Bacillus Subtilis Colony Biofilms Via Mass Spectrometry and Fluorescence Imaging Si Tong University of Illinois at Urbana Champaign
176 Bliss: The Black List Sequence Screening Pipeline Simirenko Lisa Joint Genome Institute
177 Novel Cell-Free Platforms and Universal Cloning for Synthetic Biology Discovery Moore Simon Imperial College London
178 Synthetic Speciation: Programmable Transcriptional Activators to Prevent Gene Flow in Sexually-Reproducing Populations Smanski Michael J. University of Minnesota
179 Mining Sugar Transporters from Gut Fungi for Improved Fuel & Energy Production Solomon Kevin V. University of California, Santa Barbara
180 A Combinatorial Assembly Pipeline for Gene Expression in Mammalian Cells Stach Christopher University of Minnesota
181 RNA-Programmed Gene Circuit Engineering Using Crispr-Nickases Standage-Beier Kylie Arizona State University
182 A Cell-Free Transcription-Translation Kit (MYtxtl®) for Rapid Prototyping of Transcription Units  Steil Benjamin P. Mycroarray
183 Characterization of Co-Transcriptional RNA Structure Evolution Using Shape-Seq Strobel Eric J. Cornell University
184 Random Homology-Aided Transformation for Genome and Plasmid Streamlining Suarez Gabriel A. University of Texas at Austin
185 Role of Plasmid Copy Number in the Dynamics of a Single Gene Oscillator Swaminathan Anandh California Institute of Technology,
186 Noncanonical Amino Acid Addictions in Biological Systems Tack Drew S. University of Texas at Austin
187 Rational Membrane Engineering Increases E. coli Robustness and Production of Biorenewables Tan Zaigao Iowa State University
188 Front Propagation in an Array of Artificial Cells Tayar Alexandra Weizmann institute
189 Programming the Timing of Gene Expression in Synthetic Circuits Tei Mika UC Berkeley
190 Cysteinyl-DOPA Crosslinking and the Road to an Expanded Metabolism Thyer Ross University of Texas at Austin
191 Analysis of Yeast Metabolism to Overproduce Isobutanol and n-Butanol Tian Mingyuan University of Wisconsin–Madison
192 Protease-Based Feedback for Overcoming Growth Rate and Enzymatic Queueing Limitations Tomazou Marios Imperial College London
193 Engineering Improved Bio-Jet Fuel Tolerance in Escherichia coli Using a Transgenic Library Approach Tomko Timothy The University of Vermont
194 Modulating Arginine Biosynthesis in E. coli nissle to Consume Ammonia in a Mouse Model of Hyperammonemia Tucker Alex Synlogic, Inc.
195 Understanding Cell Reprogramming By Adaptive Regulatory Mutations As a Guide for Cell Design Utrilla Jose Universidad Nacional Autonoma de México
196 Recursive Cloning for the Assembly of Biosynthetic Pathways and Artificial CRISPR Arrays Van Hove Bob Ghent University
197 Benchmarking RNA Switches for Diagnostic Applications Verosloff Matthew Cornell University
198 Compact Tools for AAV Mediated Delivery of Cas9 Activators In Vivo Vora Suhani MIT and Harvard
199 Robust Digital Logic Circuits in Eukaryotic Cells with Crispr/dCas9 NOR Gates Vrana Justin UW-Seattle
200 Catalytic Enhancement of Enzymatic Pathways on a Nanoparticle Surface Vranish James NRC Fellow at Naval Research Lab
201 At-Rich Gene Synthesis Walsh Matthew MIT Lincoln Laboratory
202 Design and Implementation of Whole-Cell Biosensors for Micronutrient Detection in Low Resource Environments Watstein Daniel Georgia Institute of Technology
203 Design of a Minimized pT181 Attenuator Using Shape-Seq Watters Kyle E. Cornell University
204 RNA Roadblocks: Hairpins for Protein Level Tuning in S. Cerevisiae Weenink Tim Imperial College London
205 Improving RNA Regulator Dynamic Range with Dual Transcriptional Translational Control Mechanism Westbrook Alexandra Cornell University
206 Extending Amyris' Genotype Specification Language (GSL) for Modular and Combinatorial Genome Engineering Wilson Erin H. Amyris
207 Design a Tunable Expression and Display System on Bacterial Spore Surface Wu Kang University of New Hampshire
208 RNA- Programmed DNA Methylation Xiong Tina Johns Hopkins University
209 Applying Evolutionary Principles to Stabilize Genetic Circuits Yi Xiao University of Minnesota
210 Engineering Novel Modular Biosensors to Confer Metabolite-Responsive Regulation of Transcription Younger Andrew K.D. Northwestern University
211 Computationally Reconstructing RNA Folding Pathways with Co-Transcriptional SHAPE-Seq Yu Angela Cornell University
212 DNA Origami Sensor That Controls Gene Expression Zadegan Reza M. Boise State University
213 Towards an Engineered, Self-Sustained Microbial Ecosystem Zerfass Christian University of Warwick
214 Metabolic Design Principles for Engineering Synthetic Microbial Communities Zerfass Christian University of Warwick
215 withdrawn      
216 Transcription Analysis and Metabolite Profiling of the Terpenoid Indole Alkaloid Pathway in Engineered Catharanthus Roseus Hairy Root Lines Zhao Le Iowa State University
217 Increasing Extracellular Nitrogen Production By Azotobacter Vinelandii dj Knutson Carolann M. University of Minnesota
218 Construction and Characterization of Biological Circuits to Create a Synthetic Bacterial Consortium to Divide Genetic Functions and Reduce the Metabolic Burden Zuñiga Ana Universidad Adolfo Ibañez
219 Engineering a Leather Biomaterial Borden Julia Modern Meadow
220 Engineering a Synthetic Microbial Consortium for Efficient Production of Water Retaining Biopolymers via in-situ Precursor Production Minty Jeremy Ecovia Renewables Inc.
221 Haemoperfusive Membrane Encapsulated Activated Charcoal Packed Column Artificial Kidney in Replacing Haemodialysis Brahma Sr. Nitosh Kumar Institute of Genetic Engineering
222 Plasmid GENE Trasfer Invitro into Auxotroph Pheno-Genotypes, F-, Escherichia coli K-12, Generate Hybrid Prototrophs to  Damage Clonal Selectivity Brahma Sr. Nitosh Kumar Institute of Genetic Engineering
223 Algae Culture in a Photobioreactor NEEDS Specific Growth MEDIA, LIGHT Distribution and Operational Aspects of Chemical Engineering Brahma Sr. Nitosh Kumar Institute of Genetic Engineering
224 Seeing the Invisible: Exploting Crosstalk to Measure Genetic Constructs In Vivo Hecht Ariel National Institute of Standards and Technology
225 When Wavelengths Collide: Bias in Cell Abundance Measurements Due to Expressed Fluorescent Proteins Hecht Ariel National Institute of Standards and Technology
226 Cell Free Synthesis of Protein Microcompartments Garcia David ORNL
227 Topologies of Phosphorylation Cycles As Insulation Devices Shah Rushina Massachusetts Institute of Technology
228 Engineering Thermostable Proteins to Selectively Extract Strategic Metals from Low Temperature Geothermal Brines Charrier Marimikel Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory
229 Non-Canonical Amino Acid Incorporation via Sense Codon Reassignment in E. coli Biddle Wil Colorado State University
230 Utilizing Sense Codon Reassignment to Understand the Plasticity of the E. coli Genetic Code Schmitt Margaret A. Colorado State University
231 Arrowland: A Browser-Based Environment for Omics Mapping and Simulation Birkel Garrett Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory
232 Modeling of Cell-Free Glycoprotein Production in Escherichia coli Horvath Nicholas G. Purdue University
233 A Scalable Epitope Tagging Approach for High Throughput ChIP-Seq Analysis Jain Surbhi University of Illinois at Urbana Champaign
234 A Systems Perspective on the Exit from Pluripotency Garmhausen Marius University of Cologne