SEED 2016 Program
Monday, July 18 | |
8:00AM | Registration Check-In Opens |
9:00AM-9:30AM | Welcome - Michael Jewett, Northwestern and Emily LeProust, Twist Bioscience |
9:30AM-10:30AM | Keynote 1: "Programmable On-Chip DNA Compartments as 'Artificial Cells'" - Roy Bar Ziv, Weizmann Institute of Science
10:30AM-11:00AM | Coffee Break |
11:00AM-12:00PM | Session 1: Reprogramming Translation (Chair: Abhishek Chatterjee, BC) |
11:00AM-11:30AM | "Next Generation Design of RNA Devices Incorporating Stochastic RNA Folding Kinetics and Ribosome Drafting" - Howard Salis, Pennsylvania State University |
11:30AM-12:00PM | "Recoding Genomes to Expand Life's Functional Repertoire" - Farren Isaacs, Yale University |
12:00PM-1:30PM | Lunch |
1:30PM-3:30PM | Session 2: Mammalian Cells, Systems and Medicine (Chair: Yvonne Chen, UCLA) |
1:30PM-2:00PM | "Organs-on-Chips Technology: Micro-Engineered System to Emulate Living Human Biology" - Geraldine Hamilton, Emulate |
2:00PM-2:30PM | "Probing Stem Cell Differentiation with Synthetic Biology" - Tara Deans, University of Utah |
2:30PM-3:00PM | "Advanced Biocomputers in Mammalian Cells" - Wilson Wong, Boston University |
3:00PM-3:30PM | "Teaching Synthetic Transcription Factors to Read an Epigenic Code" - Karmella Haynes, Arizona State University |
3:30PM-4:00PM | Coffee Break |
4:00PM-6:15PM | Session 3: An Emerging SynBio Industry (Chair: Hemai Parthasarathy, Breakout Labs) |
4:00PM-4:15PM | "Developing Synthetic Biotics for the Treatment of Human Metabolic Disease" - Jonathan Kotula, Synlogic |
4:15PM-4:30PM | "Enabling Next Generation Biological Research through Synthetic Biology Tools" - Axel Trefzer, Thermo Fisher Scientific |
4:30PM-4:45PM | "The Development of Platform-Based Technologies for the Optimization of Sustainably Produced Chemicals" - Stephanie Culler, Genomatica |
4:45PM-5:00PM | "Chemically Synthesized Modified Guide RNAs Enhance CRISPR/Cas Genome Editing" - Joel Myerson, Agilent Research Laboratories |
5:00PM-5:15PM | "Commercial Scale Production of Fuels and Chemicals from Waste and Low Cost Resources via an Integrated, Multi-Scale Gas-Fermentation Platform" - Michael Köpke, LanzaTech |
5:15PM-5:30PM | "Automated Construction of Synthetic DNA Fragments Using the BioXp™ 3200 System" - Katie Lyons, Synthetic Genomics, Inc. |
5:30PM-5:45PM | "New from Autodesk: A High Powered, Cloud Based, Open Source CAD Tool to Drive Biological Design" - Eli Groban, Autodesk |
5:45PM-6:00PM | "A Synthetic DNA Base Pair Enables the Discovery of Novel Protein Therapeutics" - Jerod Ptacin, Synthorx |
6:00PM-6:15PM | "A Crispr Based Approach for Trackable Multiplexed Engineering on a Genome Scale" - Andrew Garst, Muse Biotechnology, Inc. |
6:15PM-7:15PM | Reception and Industry Mixer |
Tuesday, July 19 | |
8:00AM-12:00PM | Registration Check-In |
9:00AM-12:00PM | Session 4: Enabling Technologies and Platforms (Chair: Mo Khalil, BU) |
9:00AM-9:30AM | "Design of Reprogrammed and New Molecular and Cellular Functions" - Tanja Kortemme, University of California, San Francisco |
9:30AM-10:00AM | "Rapid Engineering of New Functions in Yeast with Synthetic Chromosomes" - Tom Ellis, Imperial College London
10:00AM-10:30AM | Coffee Break |
10:30AM-11:00AM | "Microfluidic Electroporation Techniques to Accelerate Discovery in Synthetic Biology" - Cullen Buie, MIT |
11:00AM-11:30AM | "GPCR-Based Sensors to Accelerate the Engineering of Chemical-Producing Microbes" - Pamela Peralta-Yahya, Georgia Tech |
11:30AM-12:00PM | "Engineered Polyketide Synthases for Production of Commodity and Specialty Chemicals" - Jay Keasling, University of California, Berkeley |
12:00PM-2:00PM | Lunch and Government Panel |
2:00PM-3:30PM | Session 5: Genome Editing (Chair: Susan Rosser, University of Edinburgh) |
2:00PM-2:30PM | "DNA Repair Profiling Reveals Nonrandom Outcomes at Cas9-Mediated Breaks" - Rachel Haurwitz, Caribou Biosciences |
2:30PM-3:00PM | "Reading, Writing and Editing a Genome: An Emerging Frontier in Synthetic Biology" - Huimin Zhao, University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign |
3:00PM-3:30PM | "Crispr Logic Circuits to Enable Next Generation Crispr-Based Gene Therapies" - Samira Kiani, Arizona State University |
3:30PM-4:00PM | Coffee Break |
4:00PM-5:30PM | Session 6: Student/Postdoc Session (Chair: Stephanie Culler, Genomatica) |
4:00PM-4:15PM | "Transcript Switches for Fine-Tuning of Transgene Expression" - Yan Liang, Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory |
4:15PM-4:30PM | "Controlling and Patterning Retractable, Micron-Scale, Membrane-Breaking Protein NeedlesControlling and Patterning Retractable, Micron-Scale, Membrane-Breaking Protein Needles" - Jessica Polka, Harvard |
4:30PM-4:45PM | "Stabilizing Genetic Programs Against Changes in Context" - Thomas Segall-Shapiro, MIT |
4:45PM-5:00PM | "Site-Specific DNA Methylation in Human Cells Using Engineered Cas9-Methyltransferases" - Glenna Meister, Dana-Farber Cancer Institute |
5:00PM-5:15PM | "Understanding and Exploiting the Host Cell Response to Burden for More Robust and Predictable Gene Expression" - Francesca Ceroni, Imperial College London |
5:15PM-5:30PM | "Mix and Match Sweets: Modular, Coordinated Cell-Free Transcription, Translation, and Glycosylation of Proteins Using Selectively Enriched Escherichia coli Cell Lysates" - Jessica Stark, Northwestern University |
5:30PM-6:00PM | Rapid Fire Presentations for Poster Session A (Chair: Seok Hoon Hong, IIT) |
6:00PM-7:30PM | Poster Session A |
Wednesday, July 20 | |
8:00AM-12:00PM | Registration Check-In |
8:30AM-9:30AM | Keynote 2: "Expanding the Synthetic Capabilities of Yeast" - Virginia Cornish, Columbia University |
9:30AM-10:00AM | Coffee Break |
10:00AM-11:00AM | Session 7: Cell-Free Systems (Chair: Will Blake, Greenlight Biosciences) |
10:00AM-10:30AM | "Molecular Systems Engineering with DNA" - Hendrik Dietz, TU Munich |
10:30AM-11:00AM | "Next Generation Cell-Free Expression Systems for Synthetic Biology" - Vincent Noireaux, University of Minnesota |
11:00AM-12:00PM | Session 8: Plants (Chair: Molly MeGraw, Oregon State University) |
11:00AM-11:30AM | "Discovery and Engineering of Metabolic Pathways in Plants" - Beth Sattely, Stanford University |
11:30AM-12:00PM | "Plants as Self-Sustaining Platforms for Synthetic Biology" - June Medford, Colorado State University |
12:00PM-1:30PM | Lunch |
1:30PM-5:00PM | Session 9: Biological Circuits in Natural and Engineered Systems (Chair: Jeff Tabor, Rice University) |
1:30PM-2:00PM | "Hidden Interactions Arising from Resource Sharing in Genetic Circuits" - Domitilla Del Vecchio, MIT |
2:00PM-2:30PM | "Constructing Programmable Genetic Circuits through Generalizable RNA Tools" - Tae Seok Moon, Washington University in St. Louis |
2:30PM-3:00PM | "Rewiring the DNA Binding Domains of Bacterial Two-Component System Response Regulators" - Jeff Tabor, Rice University |
3:00PM-3:30PM | "Reverse-Engineering Human Gut Microbiome Synthetic Ecologies" - Ophelia Venturelli, University of Wisconsin - Madison |
3:30PM-4:00PM | Coffee Break |
4:00PM-4:30PM | "Yeast-Based Biosensors As a Low-Cost Healthcare Diagnostic" - Keith Tyo, Northwestern University |
4:30PM-5:00PM | "Domain Insertion Profiling Reveals Allosteric Hotspots for Protein Engineering" - Dave Savage, UC Berkeley |
5:00PM-5:30PM | ACS Synthetic Biology Young Investigator Award Lecture - Introduction Ranjini Prithviraj: "Uncovering How RNA Molecules 'Make Decisions' On the Fly: Towards Understanding and Engineering CoTranscriptional RNA Folding" - Julius Lucks, Northwestern University |
5:30PM-6:00PM | Rapid Fire Presentations for Poster Session B (Chair: Karmella Haynes, ASU) |
6:00PM-7:30PM | Poster Session B |
Thursday, July 21 | |
8:00AM-9:30AM | Registration Check-In |
8:30AM-9:30AM | Keynote 4: Chris Voigt, MIT |
9:30AM-10:30AM | Session 10: BioDesign and Automation (Chair: Peter Carr, Lincoln Labs) |
9:30AM-10:00AM | "The Emerging Organism Engineering Industry" - Reshma Shetty, Ginkgo |
10:00AM-10:30AM | "Hardware/Wetware Co-Design: CAD for Microfluidic Synthetic Biology" - Douglas Densmore, Boston University |
10:30AM-11:00AM | Coffee Break |
11:00AM-12:30PM | Session 11: Engineering Design Meets Evolution (Chair: Vatsan Raman, Wisconsin) |
11:00AM-11:30AM | "In Vivo continuous Evolution of Genes and Pathways in Yeast" - Hal Alper, The University of Texas at Austin |
11:30AM-12:00PM | "Engineering High-Titer Heterologous Protein Secretion in Bacteria" - Danielle Tullman-Ercek, Northwestern University |
12:00PM-12:30PM | "Functional Incorporation of Unnatural Amino Acids into Proteomes" - Andy Ellington, University of Texas at Austin |
12:30PM-12:45PM | Closing Remarks - Michael Jewett, Northwestern University and Emily LeProust, Twist Bioscience |